Astralane provides a multitude of options for your needs, here are some of RPC methods we offer for Transaction sending.
This RPC call is fully compatible with all Solana libraries , making it a simple drop-in replacement for your existing workflows. It routes through our partner SWQoS clients, including Jito and Paladin, ensuring optimized transaction processing and maximum reliability.
Just insert the URL where you would place a RPC URL and send your txns how you send normally. The only change is to add an instruction to tip.
const TIP: Pubkey = pubkey!("astra4uejePWneqNaJKuFFA8oonqCE1sqF6b45kDMZm"); // Use tip wallet depending on region of access
const MIN_TIP_AMOUNT: u64 = 100_000; // added for spam prevention
fn send_tx_tipped(
ixs: &mut Vec<Instruction>,
signer: &Keypair,
rpc_client: &RpcClient
) {
let tip_ix = system_instruction::transfer(&signer.pubkey(), &TIP, MIN_TIP_AMOUNT);
let blockhash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash().unwrap();
let tx = Transaction::new_signed_with_payer(ixs, Some(&signer.pubkey()), &[signer], blockhash);
If your operation depends on atomic txn execution then use our sendBundle endpoint to send atomically executing transactions.
Send up to 4 transactions in a single atomic bundle. These transactions are executed sequentially , ensuring precision and reliability. If any transaction fails, the entire bundle is reverted—guaranteeing consistency and eliminating partial failures.
const TIP: Pubkey = pubkey!("astra4uejePWneqNaJKuFFA8oonqCE1sqF6b45kDMZm"); // Use tip wallet depending on region of access
const MIN_TIP_AMOUNT: u64 = 100_000; // added for spam prevention
async fn send_bundle(
ixs: &mut Vec<Instruction>,
signer: &Keypair,
client: reqwest::Client,
blockhash: Hash,
url: String,
) {
let tip_ix = system_instruction::transfer(&signer.pubkey(), &TIP, MIN_TIP_AMOUNT);
let tx = Transaction::new_signed_with_payer(ixs, Some(&signer.pubkey()), &[signer], blockhash);
let encoded_tx = base64::prelude::BASE64_STANDARD.encode(&bincode::serialize(tx).unwrap());
let response = client
.header("api_key", "xxx")
.json(&json! ({
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "sendBundle",
"params": [[encoded_tx]],
Code example for sendIdeal endpoint usage in Go given below:
Perfect for snipers! Due to the segregation in validators as JITO validators and normal ones, traders are often conflicted between spending more on jito tips vs more in priority fees. Durable nonces offer a way to mitigate this issue.
Our sendIdeal RPC method accepts two transactions:
One with a high priority fee + min tip
Another with a high tip + lower priority fee
We route them through our advanced SWQoS and bundling pipelines. Using durable nonces, once one transaction lands, the other is automatically canceled—ensuring optimal efficiency and cost savings.
if you don't want to manage the durable nonce accounts on your own we also provide a managed service for this, We create a nonce account for each api-key you use and you can query them using our getNonce rpc call. Follow the below integration steps for best utilization of this feature:
Step 1 : Generate Nonce instruction
use solana_sdk::hash::Hash;
use solana_sdk::pubkey::Pubkey;
use solana_sdk::signature::{EncodableKey, Keypair, Signer};
async fn get_nonce(
client: reqwest::Client,
url: String,
auth_key: String,
) {
let response = client
.header("api_key", "xxx")
.json(&json! ({
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "getNonce",
"params": [api_key], // provided during onboarding
let result = response["result"].clone();
let nonce = result["nonce"].as_str().unwrap();
let nonce_account = Pubkey::from_str(result["nonceAccount"].as_str().unwrap()).unwrap();
let nonce_authority =
let nonce_as_hash = Hash::from_str(nonce).unwrap();
if you already have an existing nonce account, you can just pass in your nonce account, you can simply pass in your nonce account public key instead of the API key. The response will still include your parsed nonce.
To use this nonce, just include an advance nonce instruction as the first instruction in your transactions.
Step 2 : Generate your txn and Partial Sign it before submission
const TIP: Pubkey = pubkey!("astra4uejePWneqNaJKuFFA8oonqCE1sqF6b45kDMZm"); // Use tip wallet depending on region of access
const MIN_TIP_AMOUNT: u64 = 100_000; // added for spam prevention
async fn send_ideal(
signer: &Keypair,
client: reqwest::Client,
nonce: Hash,
instructions: Vec<Instruction>,
nonce_authority: &Pubkey,
nonce_account: &Pubkey,
) {
// add advance nonce instruction
let advance_nonce = solana_sdk::system_instruction::advance_nonce_account(nonce_account, nonce_authority);
let low_tip_high_fee_ixs = vec![
// add your instructions here
solana_sdk::system_instruction::transfer(&signer.pubkey(), &TIP, MIN_TIP_AMOUNT),
let high_tip_low_fee_ixs = vec![
// add your instructions here
solana_sdk::system_instruction::transfer(&signer.pubkey(), &TIP, 100 * MIN_TIP_AMOUNT),
//add high transaction priority fee and min tip
let mut low_tip_high_fee_tx = Transaction::new_with_payer(&low_tip_high_fee_ixs, Some(&signer.pubkey()));
low_tip_high_fee_tx.partial_sign(&[&signer], nonce);
let mut high_tip_low_fee_tx = Transaction::new_with_payer(&high_tip_low_fee_ixs, Some(&signer.pubkey()));
high_tip_low_fee_tx.partial_sign(&[&signer], nonce);
let low_tip_high_fee_tx_encoded = base64::prelude::BASE64_STANDARD.encode(&bincode::serialize(low_tip_high_fee_tx).unwrap());
let high_tip_low_fee_tx_encoded = base64::prelude::BASE64_STANDARD.encode(&bincode::serialize(high_tip_low_fee_tx).unwrap());
let response = client
.json(&json! ({
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "sendIdeal",
"params": [[low_tip_high_fee_tx_encoded, high_tip_low_fee_tx_encoded]],
When using Astralane's managed nonce accounts, ensure that you use the partial_sign method to sign your transactions. If you are not utilizing managed nonce accounts, proceed with the standard sign method.
Code example for sendIdeal endpoint usage in TypeScript given below:
The latency performance for your transactions will depend on current network dynamics. Kindly reach out to us on telegram for recommendations on ideal setup for your operation